Information about the race
Time and place of the event: 6th of September, 2023, Sofia city.
Starting time
The start of the Sofia Ekiden (Relay) Marathon will be given at 9.00 am in front of the Vasil Levski National Stadium, located at the intersection of Evlogi and Hristo Georgievi Blvd. and Gurko Str.
Main goals of the event
- In honor of the 138 th anniversary of the Since Unification of Principality of Bulgaria and Eastern Rumelia
- Promotion of relay racing within the scope of road running.
- Selection of the EKIDEN team champions of Bulgaria for 2023 in the organizers-set categories in Relay Running of 42.195 km
1st Leg – 5 km. - Numbers BIP with Blue digits – 1 lap.
2nd Leg – 10 km. - Numbers BIP with RED digits – 2 laps.
3rd Leg – 5 km. - Numbers BIP with Brown digits – 1 lap
4th Leg – 10 km. - Numbers BIP with Orange digits – 2 laps.
5th Leg – 5 km. - Numbers BIP with Green digits – 1 lap.
6th Leg – 7.195 km - Numbers BIP with Yellow digits – 1 lap.
The START / FINAL of the Sofia Ekiden Marathon 2023 will be given in front of the Vasil Levski National Stadium, which is located at the intersection of Evlogi and Hristo Georgievi Blvd. and Gurko Str. The route of the Relay Marathon will include a 5 km-long lap, which will go through the central part of the city of Sofia, along Evlogi and Hristo Georgiev Blvd. (Western lane), Prof. Frityof Nansen Str. (to Vasil Levski Blvd.) and through Evlogi and Hristo Georgievi Blvd., Bulgaria Blvd. to Pencho Slaveykov Blvd. and back to Bulgaria Blvd., to the right on Cherni Vruh Blvd. near the Earth and People Museum and back to Evlogi and Hristo Georgievi Blvd. (Eastern lane), and Vasil Levski Stadium. The sixth leg, which is also the last covers Dragan Tsankov Blvd and a tour of Borisova gradina. The route will be marked throughout its entire length with railings, lanes and directional arrows on the pavement. There will be judges, located at the key locations. The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the lap of the route if necessary.Control timings
The control timing for each of the participating teams in the Sofia Ekiden Marathon is 4.01 hours, divided in 6 legs, as follows:
- First leg - 5 km. - 32 min. - 9.32 h - one lap
- Second leg - 10 km. - 50 min. - 10.24 h - two laps
- Third leg - 5 km. - 32 min. - 10.54 h - one lap
- Fourth leg - 10 km. - 50 min. - 11.44 h - two laps
- Fifth leg - 5 km. - min. - 12.16 h - one lap
- Sixth leg - 7.195 km. - 45 min. - 13.01 h - one lap